We work to improve the lives
of humans and
their pets
Our collaborators are the fundamental
pillar in our company
We create an inclusive and equal
work environment
At EUROFISH, the collaborator is the fundamental pillar for the development of the company. For this reason, it spares no effort in improving the quality of life of human beings and their pets and is committed to respecting human and labor rights, reaffirming itself under the commitments, ideals and principles established in:
- The Universal Declaration of Human Rights
- Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work
- Laws, regulation in national and international standards in this matter
- The Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) of the United Nations and 10 principles of the Global Compact
Social standards SMETA, BSCI, SA 8000, ISO 26:000

We have a portfolio of products developed
in a sustainable way
We create an inclusive and
equal work environment
Training is a fundamental axis for the entire organization, there are specific programs for all levels of the company. Through these programs, it is sought that EUROFISH collaborators are always updated in knowledge and techniques in the various areas of the company.

Life Skills
Program that has been in operation since 2015 and that seeks to promote the emotional reactivation of EUROFISH collaborators in order to enhance their social skills so that they reduce the use and abuse of alcohol and other drugs. There have been 39 training sessions, with a total of 117 hours of training, that is, 3.5 hours of workshops per employee.

Educational Incentives
A school bonus is awarded for academic excellence for the children of employees. Also, academic activities are carried out for children between 6 - 10 years old. In addition, in 2020 a program was carried out for children between 7 and 12 years old, called "Brilliant Youth", where they worked online for values, emotions, soft skills, creativity and others.

The Best Worker 2020
The best worker is chosen by colleagues and area managers through a measurement sheet provided to all areas where 5 basic points are considered: performance, productivity, attitude, behavior and respect.

Coaching and Leadership
Implementation of an Exponential Leadership and Soft Skills program for the Supervisory team. Training of Coaching and Leadership skills for middle management.
We work hard to provide a healthy,
safe and reliable work environment
We have preventive and outpatient medical care facilities and a team of health professionals headed by the Occupational Physician and the Preventive Health Coordinator.

We take care of the work environment, preserve the health and physical integrity of our employees, contractors, suppliers and visitors. We have an area of Occupational Safety and Health, made up of competent professionals according to the regulation of the country’s regulations.

Ecology, economy and equality
are part of
our business's vision
We carry out transparent work, backed by
social responsibility audits
EUROFISH receives various Social Responsibility audits sent by our clients, which are based on the following standards: BSCI, Sedex-Smeta, ICS; In addition, it performs its own internal Social Responsibility audit as part of its Social Management system, together with Supplier Social Responsibility evaluations.

The Business Social Compliance Initiative (BSCI) is a business-driven initiative for companies committed to improving working conditions in factories and farms around the world.

It is an audit procedure that brings together good practices in an ethical audit technique. It allows organizations to align with the international labor conventions of the ILO.

ICS is a multi-sector initiative that aims to improve working conditions in global supply chains.